How it Works:

  1. Phone call
  • We start with a simple phone call where I will ask you some questions about the space you would like to work on and get an idea of what your goals are for the space.
  • We can either schedule our first organizing session (see #3), or if the project is very large or complex, we can schedule a brief (20-30 min) in-home consultation (see #2) at this time.
  1. In-Home Consultation
  • Free unless more than 30 miles (by Google maps) from my home just outside of Lee’s Summit.  If further, a $20 travel fee will apply.
  • Brief—this meeting should only last 20-30 minutes and may not be necessary in all situations.
  • This is the time for you to show me the space(s) you wish to work on, tell me what is and isn’t working well in that space, and what your goals are for the area.
  • At this time, we will come up with a plan for organizing and schedule one or more sessions.  I recommend scheduling 3-4 hours at a time in order to make real progress, and there is a minimum of 2 hours for a session.
  1. Organizing Session
  • A few days before our scheduled session, I will contact you with a reminder.
  • Especially for this first session, plan to focus your time and effort on the project: don’t schedule other things at the same time and arrange for children/pets to be cared for if needed.  You know your kids best–some are helpful and enjoy going through the process with us, some occupy themselves well, and others might cause enough distraction that it could make the project take longer (and cost more).  I’m a mom of three, so I’m happy to work with children if you decide that’s what’s best.
  • I prefer to work side-by-side with you, especially at the beginning as I’m getting to know you, your priorities, and what works best for you.  If, in the future, you’d like me to take care of a project on my own, or return for maintenance on a previous project, we can arrange that.
  • I use the S.P.A.C.E. method to implement our organizing plan:
        1. Sort—group similar items
        2. Purge—dispose of items that are no longer useful to you
        3. Assign a home—find an appropriate home for items you are keeping
        4. Containerize—select appropriate containers to store items
        5. Evaluate—make changes as needed to maintain the system