
Reclaim Your Space, LLC Organizing Philosophy:

Being organized doesn’t have to mean perfection or Pinterest-worthy pictures.  At its heart, organization is about function.  It’s about making your space work well for you. Being organized means reclaiming space in your home from clutter, reclaiming peace of mind and confidence in knowing you are handling life well, reclaiming time as you no longer have to search for lost items, and reclaiming joy as you have time and space to enjoy friends, family, and the good things in life.

About Your Organizer:

Hi! I’m Laura Nelson, professional organizer and founder of Reclaim Your Space, LLC.  I love to help people in and around the Kansas City, Missouri metro area overcome their organization challenges.

I have been both a 6th grade teacher and a homeschool mother of three.  As my kids have grown and are moving off to college, I decided to turn one of my strengths and favorite things to do into a business.  All my life, I have loved to clean out closets, sort, and organize my–and my friends’ and family’s–belongings.

For some reason, when most people look at a cluttered, disorganized space and immediately feel stressed and overwhelmed, I see possibilities.  Instead of being exhausted by the process, I feel energized and encouraged.  Because I know this is far from normal, it has become my goal to help others through the daunting task of getting organized.  I can come alongside you and work with you to help you make hard choices, stay focused, and encourage you along every step.

With three kids, one of whom has special needs, a home to run, and multiple full schedules to juggle, I know it’s difficult to sort through all the competing priorities.  Sometimes it’s enough just to survive the day, never mind trying to dig out from the heaps of papers, bills, and projects needing to be done.  But staying disorganized means wasting time looking for lost keys, papers, or misplaced bills, not being able to wear your favorite pair of shoes because one is missing, or being afraid to invite friends over because it’s embarrassing not to have a peaceful place to spend time together.  Getting organized is worth it, and it’s ok if you need some help to get there.

It is my mission to help you dig out from under the chaos and find calm, to reclaim the spaces in your home for the purposes they were meant for, and to help you reclaim your confidence and peace of mind, knowing you’ve got life under control.